Wednesday, May 21, 2008

On a lighter note

I am definitely on a writing kick right now. I go through phases. I'll be absorbed in one interest for a period of time, then absolutely drop it and do nothing with it for sometimes weeks or months.

How about a few little known fun facts?
I can say the alphabet backwards, from Z to A.
I started playing guitar at 16 years old solely to be able to put music to the songs I write.
I can also play flute and I'm pretty mean on the recorder, lol.

My most embarrassing moment was at a summer camp when I was about 13 or 14. I had this pretty big crush on a dude named Joel. He was 18, one of the counselors that year. Anyway, my friend decided to convince him to sit with us for breakfast one morning, and arranged that he was sitting right beside me. Then proceeded to tell him that I liked him in no uncertain terms, loud enough for a few tables around to hear. He choked on his coffee and just about spit it all over the table. I prayed for the floor to open up and swallow me whole.

I was a letter-writing maniac. I had anywhere from 15 to 30 penpals at any given time and wrote about 10-20 letters a week to different friends all over Canada, and I also had 3 penpals in Taiwan, one in Spain, one in Haiti, and a few others as well. The post office ladies knew me by name. I kept every single letter I ever received from most of those penpals. Except from one of them. I burned his letters.

I have a file full of all the wonderful little notes I have gotten from people over the years so that if I get depressed or lonely, I can remind myself of the people that love me.

I am a much better communicator in writing than I am in person. Sometimes shy in person. Although, me now compared to me in Junior high... wow. What a change. Huge leaps forward in confidence.

I have never been outside of Canada... yet. Never been on an airplane either.

I am a firm believer that there does not have to be a first for everything. There are many things I have never done, and probably never will.

I used to read until 5 or 6 am every single night. Then my parents wondered why I was next to impossible to wake up in the morning. I was really good at fake-sleeping.

I still stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning sometimes if I have something big on my mind.

I am getting in shape with Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease DVDs. My man appreciates that a lot. Yeah, I have moves, lol.

I think that is about it for now.

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