Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Message

If my life could be boiled down to one message, it would be this. (how often I need to remind myself of these things!)

Seek God, with all of your heart, seek Him. Learn His Word, learn His ways, learn to hear His voice. And no matter what circumstances come your way, be obedient. The 2 most important commandments are to love God and to love others. Do that, and everything else will come together.

Struggles happen, dreams die. Sometimes He will resurrect those dreams. Be patient, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can trust Him, He knows you better than you know yourself. He is the designer of your heart, desire reveals design, design reveals destiny. A bird desires to fly, because it was designed to and that is it's destiny. Your heart's desire is there for a greater purpose than you can image. So if that desire is to write, then write. If to sing, then sing. If to teach, then teach. If to dance, then dance. Only let it flow from a heart that loves God first and foremost.

He is faithful. Even when we are faithless, His never ending love endures. You are not alone, even when you can not feel His presence, still He is there. He is a father you can rely on, far better than any earthly father.

There is so much more I could say, but not tonight. It is late, but there is someone I need to pray for.

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