Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Book to Recommend

I am thrilled to bits right now. I am reading "The Normal Christian Life" by Watchman Nee, and everyone needs to read this book. There is a clarity of revelation and understanding unfolding in my spirit that was not there before. The book is a study on the book of Romans. It is so basic, so beautifully simple, and much of it I have known before but not to this depth. I'm at work right now, a wonderfully slow saturday shift, but I have not been bored in the slightest. I can not wait to get home and spend some time just praising God for all His goodness. Too much of my life has been spent living in Romans 7... it's time to cross over to Romans 8. Where there have been times in my life I have walked by the Spirit, those times have been too few, too far between. (if you don't know what I mean, go read those 2 chapters)
Anyway, I am going to do my own study on Romans, we covered it in Bible College, but no where near this extent. I think they need to start using this book as the text for that course!
I'm nearly bursting. Praise the Lord!

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