Sunday, December 16, 2007

Right where I belong

This morning at church, standing between 2 friends who both happen to be gorgeous blond babes with big blue eyes, I felt something different. An unmistakeable feeling that "I belong here". I'm overweight right now, and in desperate need of a new hair style, but none of that matters. I felt supported and surrounded by friends who love me. This is where I belong, worshipping God, lifting my voice together with the family of God, not just feeling, but knowing the love of God surrounding me in and through my friends. It was like Jesus was giving me a bear hug. What an amazing feeling, to know that I am exactly where God wants me to be, that I have found my place in His kingdom, that I am right where I belong. I am so thankful for my church family. Their support and encouragement really means the world to me. And to 3 particular blond babes, I love all of you to bits!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Work has been very busy lately. Christmas. And I work in retail. That should explain it all.
Anyway, my feet have been getting abnormally sore. My left achilles tendon is inflammed and stiff. So I'm icing it and resting as much as I can.
Let's see, what else is new?
Christmas is coming and I still need to start my shopping. Yep, less than 2 weeks to go and I haven't even started yet. We are waiting for my man's paycheck on the 15th. It should be quite a bit bigger than usual, he has been working extra hours. I know what I would like to get people, but there won't be enough money to go around for that. I really, really hate not being able to just get people what I want to get them.
We have about $3000 left to go until all our credit cards are paid off and we can start to re-build our credit rating. But, until then, it makes it really hard to get any sort of credit. I think I am going to be calling our credit card companies soon to find out what we owe them, to the penny. Tax return time is coming, and it should be enough to pay off at least half of what we owe. That will be so nice. Can hardly wait to not have that debt hanging over my head.
I am feeling slightly ADD right now. Can't stay on one topic.
I want a laptop. I really, really want a laptop. There are some crazy deals out there this time of year, I just don't have the funds to take advantage of them. Mostly due to bad credit.
January is coming. 2007 is almost over. Thank goodness. This has not been my best year, but it was better than the 2 that went before. Oh well, I still believe that the best is yet to come. My goals for 2008? Get completely out of debt. Lose about 45 lbs (unless I get pregnant, which is also a major goal right now). Make an extra $500/month through my business. Go on a real vacation. Yep, that about sums it up. I need a plan I can stick too. I think we are going to buy a treadmill. I think I better go to the doctor and get my feet checked out before I start using it. (I think in circles, I'm back at the beginning with my feet now. Think you can keep up? hehehehe)
I did an IQ test the other day. Confirmed what I already knew. I'm a smarty-pants. I scored 131 on this one. I have scored as high as 148 before. I was a bit distracted this time with my man reading over my shoulder and trying to help me out. He just wanted to help, but I needed to concentrate, and getting help on an IQ test is cheating, so I lost time trying to politely tell him to go away.

Well, I think this is the end of today's glimpse into my world.

Friday, December 7, 2007


The last few days have been much easier. Writting is like therapy. It helps me sort out what's going on in me, and even just the act of sharing it with the world makes everything easier. I have been heard. Sometimes that is all it takes.

I have always used writting to express myself. I just haven't always shared it with others. It has been a private sanctuary over the years. In my teens, I was a closet poet, filling notebook after notebook with poems, songs, prayers, and random thoughts. Over the last couple of years, I haven't written much at all, and it's something I have missed. So this blog is partly a restoration for me, an outlet for creativity mixed with emotion. If I can find some of those old poems, perhaps I will post a few.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


My baby sister, who is adopted, came to me and let me hold her for the first time tonight. She's been a part of my family for more than a year, and tonight is the first time I got to hold her without her crying and throwing a fit. Wow. That was big for me.