Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A few insights

Reading Exodus 3 today, I had a few insights I'd like to share. I'm not going to give the context or story behind it here, for that you'll just have to dig out a Bible and read it for yourself, or you can use the online Bibles available, my favorite being the Bible Study tools at www.crosswalk.com. These are just my rough notes and observations.

vs. 3-4
God didn't talk to Moses until:
a. Moses took the time to notice the supernatural in something as natural as a burning bush, which many others could have easily overlooked. How many times has God been doing something amazing right in front of us and we are so pre-occupied and busy that we don't even notice?
b. Moses took the time to focus on and watch the bush closely enough and for long enough to notice that the bush was not being consumed or burned by the fire
c. Moses continued to focus on it inspite of distractions, there were other people that he had to send away who were trying to get him to leave

vs. 11-12
Moses asked "Who am I?..." (or as we would probably whine, "Why me, God?" and come up with excuse after excuse for why we can't do what God is telling us to do)
God's response was to say "I am with you." Or in other words, "I chose you, get over yourself already and realize that it has nothing to do with you. I'm the one who will supply the strength, wisdom, resources, etc. to do what needs to be done. Stop looking at yourself and your own weaknesses, focus on My strength."

v. 22
God promised to send the Israelites out of Egypt RICH with gold, clothing, etc. BUT!!! (it's a big but) It wasn't going to fall from the sky or just be handed over to them with no effort on their part. They had to have the faith to take the risk to ASK the Egyptians to give it to them. Which says to me that it doesn't matter if God has promised you the moon, unless you ACT on your faith, take a risk, and move in the direction of what God has promised, it ain't gonna happen.

Which also means that for personal prophecy (promises God has and still does make to individuals through His prophets) to come true, there must be faith and action on the part of the individual who received the promise. Just because a word is given does not guarantee that it will come to full fruition.
I believe this applies more on an individual basis than for humanity as a whole. For example, in the book of Esther, God had purposed to save His people, and it was Esther's choice whether or not she would be the instrument He used to save them. If she had refused, He simply would have used some other means. His people still would have been saved, but Esther as an individual, would have missed out on the very purpose and destiny of her life.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Book to Recommend

I am thrilled to bits right now. I am reading "The Normal Christian Life" by Watchman Nee, and everyone needs to read this book. There is a clarity of revelation and understanding unfolding in my spirit that was not there before. The book is a study on the book of Romans. It is so basic, so beautifully simple, and much of it I have known before but not to this depth. I'm at work right now, a wonderfully slow saturday shift, but I have not been bored in the slightest. I can not wait to get home and spend some time just praising God for all His goodness. Too much of my life has been spent living in Romans 7... it's time to cross over to Romans 8. Where there have been times in my life I have walked by the Spirit, those times have been too few, too far between. (if you don't know what I mean, go read those 2 chapters)
Anyway, I am going to do my own study on Romans, we covered it in Bible College, but no where near this extent. I think they need to start using this book as the text for that course!
I'm nearly bursting. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Life is too short

Walking home from work today, I realized just how fast my life is slipping by. I'll be 30 in a year and a half. There is so much that I want to do/accomplish/change in my life. At 25, I set a bunch of goals of things that I wanted to do by my 30th birthday, and with it looming so close, I realize that I am a long way off from accomplishing most of those things. So, with only a year and a half to go, what goals need to be revised, changed, dropped completely, updated, and planned out? I do not want to hit 30 and look back on my 20s and see only regrets of things left undone. Lord, help me. I so desperately need You. I am so aware that I am nothing without You.
Life is too short... I am so glad that I will have eternity.

So, when I celebrate my 30th birthday... what do I want to look back at? What are the most important things to me to accomplish? I need to go think/pray about this.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Stand- by Susan Ashton

With visible breath I'm calling your name
With visible tracks I'm finding my way
With a sorrowful heart I honor this pain
And offer these tears to the rain
In a moment of truth at the top of the hill
I open my arms and let go of my will

And stand
With my face to the wind
With the storm beating down
On this sacred groundIf I stand
For the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand alone

There's a new pair of eyes
To embrace all I see
A new peace of mind
That comes quietly
There's a joy in my heart
That you've given to me
And I offer this soul's melody
So I'll beat on my chest
'Til my song has been sung
And I'll cry like the wolf
At the top of my lungs

When the thundering voices of doubt
Try to shake my faith
I'll be listening from inside out
And I won't be afraid to...

With my face to the wind
With the storm beating down
On this sacred ground
If I stand
For the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand
I won't stand alone

My Message

If my life could be boiled down to one message, it would be this. (how often I need to remind myself of these things!)

Seek God, with all of your heart, seek Him. Learn His Word, learn His ways, learn to hear His voice. And no matter what circumstances come your way, be obedient. The 2 most important commandments are to love God and to love others. Do that, and everything else will come together.

Struggles happen, dreams die. Sometimes He will resurrect those dreams. Be patient, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can trust Him, He knows you better than you know yourself. He is the designer of your heart, desire reveals design, design reveals destiny. A bird desires to fly, because it was designed to and that is it's destiny. Your heart's desire is there for a greater purpose than you can image. So if that desire is to write, then write. If to sing, then sing. If to teach, then teach. If to dance, then dance. Only let it flow from a heart that loves God first and foremost.

He is faithful. Even when we are faithless, His never ending love endures. You are not alone, even when you can not feel His presence, still He is there. He is a father you can rely on, far better than any earthly father.

There is so much more I could say, but not tonight. It is late, but there is someone I need to pray for.

Friday, May 23, 2008

A Song

Not one of my songs, but so where my heart is at right now.

Here I am, once again
I pour out my heart for I know that You hear every cry
You are listening
No matter what state my heart is in
You are faithful to answer
With words that are true and a hope that is real
As I feel Your touch
You bring a freedom to all that's within

In the safety of this place
I'm longing to pour out my heart
Say that I love You
Pour out my heart
Say that I need You
Pour out my heart
To say that I'm thankful
Pour out my heart
And say that You're wonderful

You are so amazing, Lord.


Every now and then, my man goes and does something wonderful that reminds me again of why I married him in the first place. Got an early anniversary present last night that just about made me cry. You are awesome hon!